
24/09/2023 'The happiest week since diagnosis' by David

This week, after many things that didn't, everything went in our favour, and we have so much to tell! We have found a house! It's the right size, in the right area and has the potential for a bedroom and wet room downstairs, that I will one day need. We've had a few disappointments recently with potential properties so we were really happy when our offer was accepted.  The week didn't start out great though. Life wouldn’t be normal without a Baker drama and on Saturday as we prepared to leave the house to drive to our local parkrun, I couldn’t find the car keys and while I frantically searched the house, Alice was taking off her running gear with steam coming out of her ears and getting back into bed. One of our lovely running buddies saw our sad message that we wouldn’t be able make it, and from his position on the start line, he immediately ran back to his car and told us he was on his way. Minutes later, with Alice suitably re-attired, Jon and his dog Jasper were scr

17/09/2023 - 'Did they send Rob Burrow's voice by mistake?' by Alice

This week, David put an email around the research department to our work colleagues explaining that he has MND. Southampton is a large university hospital and our department has maybe 300 employees so not everyone was aware of his diagnosis. Over the last few days, he has had numerous loving hugs and emails of encouragement and I know he's grateful for everyone that reached out to him. We have been selling MNDA wristbands and badges from his desk and people have been very generous. Our Just Giving page has now surpassed £670 so thank you to this weeks donators Joyce Dyer, Lydia Scarlett, Ines Rodrigues, Danny Pratt, Di, Sue, Karen, Jenni McCorkell and Veena.  David and I went to our first MND social meet up, where local volunteers provide refreshments and a chance to meet and talk to fellow sufferers and carers. We had discussed whether or not to go as it would be the first time we would actually meet someone with MND. We got there first and it was very hard to see tha

10/09/2023 - 'A great week featuring radio, music, birthday and travels' by David

I was on annual leave this week and what a week to chose! The UK is enjoying a late Summer heatwave and so I was able to enjoy the sunshine while busying and enjoying myself.  Zippy the 2cv is now ready for it's M.O.T. test and the plan is to polish it up, tax and insure it, have a few last drives, take some nice photos and then sell it on. Zippy is my third 2cv and I have loved the ride and the looks and smiles that a 2cv engenders.  I made a lovely chilled Watercress soup which was ideal in these temperatures, and some savoury and sweet gluten free scones for Alice. I headed to the Overdraft in Shirley, armed with a host of records for another open decks night. I was joined by friends who enjoyed tacos and beer. Despite her many pleas, I still wouldn't play 'Superman' by Black Lace for Alice but I did play Bowie's 'Be my wife' for her. I also went on a cruise! Well, actually I didn't but it felt like I did! I spent a couple of d

06/09/2023 - 'How did we get here? Part IV / the paperwork' by Alice

Diagnosis Day 17/07/2023 - we are called into the doctor’s office promptly and as we go in, we are introduced to ‘Clare’.  Now I have been a qualified nurse long enough and seen enough medical programs on TV to know that it is never a good sign if you go into an appointment to hear some news and you are introduced to another person sitting the corner with a clipboard.  I didn’t dare ask her job title but we now know her as the MND co-ordinator for our area and she will be sorting out all of David’s care in the future.  The consultant tells us that based on David’s presentation and history, clinical examination and EMG test, there can be no doubt of the diagnosis – spinal onset ALS (a form of MND).  Our dreams of retirement to an Isle of Wight cottage for walks on the beach have turned into deterioration and disability in the space of that one sentence.  There are actually only a few tears as despite knowing this was coming, disbelief and shock still seemed to be the main emotion runnin

04/09/2023 - 'Our first fundraiser! An afternoon DJ set at Sounds + Grounds' by David

Sounds & Grounds record shop and cafe in Cowes hosted our first fundraiser for the MND Association it was lovely afternoon shared with family and friends. I shared the decks with my lovely friend Michelle Salsbury and we played for over four hours.  She played 50's and 60's rock and roll, and northern soul and I played 70's and 80's glam, punk, disco, soul and electronic. We sold orange and blue MNDA wristbands and badges and we had a wooden box, beautifully made and decorated by Shaun Ashley and Ellen Adams with one half orange and the other blue with slots for cash or coins and we asked everyone if they were Team Orange or Team Blue when donating, with a QR code for online payments.  Anything donated in cash goes to the local Southampton branch of the MNDA while online donations go centrally.  Our grand total on the afternoon was £384 with a further £50 donated the following morning. Team Orange was surprisingly way more popular than Team B

03/09/2023 - 'The week when I did too much' by David

After my harrowing last week, I was determined to enjoy myself but I think I over did it! Two days after Southampton parkrun, Alice and I cycled into the New Forest, then two days after that I spent a day putting my beloved Zippy the 2CV back together after it's visit to the car hospital for some welding. Big thank you to my friend Adrian who gave up a huge amount of his time to come over from the island to help and Craig who came round during his working day to assist with some heavy lifting. We're lucky to have such generous friends.  The next day I couldn't move a muscle and it actually hurt to bend down to sit on the toilet! Consequently, I was forced to sit on my bot-bot for two days, and it's certainly been a hard lesson in learning my new limitations but I haven't been idle.  Alice and I have started this blog to document my motor neurone story called MND Can Get In The Sea!  Well, you know all about it as you're reading it right n

31/08/2023 - 'Life on a bike' by David

Alice and I ventured into the New Forest on August Bank Holiday Monday on our tandem for our first bike ride of the year. We usually pack the panniers, charge the speaker and head out west three or four times over the summer on sunny days, but of course, this year has been a bit different.  The tandem was a wedding present from Alice's parents and we actually rode it on our wedding day! We have also cycled around the Isle of Wight, ventured east to Netley and Hamble on evening rides to eat chips as the sun goes down and participated in Cycle Southampton on closed roads and through parks on it and it's always great fun to ride. I'm always up front, in control of the steering, gears and brakes and Alice is on the back, in charge of the sounds, google maps and camera! That doesn't mean she can take it easy though as the pedals are linked, so if I'm pushing hard, she has to aswell.  We are into trig pointing, where people