31/12/2024 - 'My 2024' by David
Christmas came and went as quickly as ever, as it has done since our children have given up any faith in the existence of the big guy in the red coat and fluffy beard. Waiting for Christmas was excruciatingly slow as a child, but these days it's upon you and beyond you in a flash, which is a shame as I still look forward to and get excited about it, especially since my diagnosis. Alice and I made the most of it though, and we enjoyed ourselves. We finished our Christmas jigsaw just days before Rudolph and the boys were ready to take flight, but unfortunately, for the first time, with the box empty, there was a piece missing. More of that later. It was quite poignant wrapping presents this year as I realised it would be the last time that I would be able do so. I wrote a couple of very wobbly inscriptions in books for Rachel and Anna and after a fight with both paper and sellotape, I added the names of my three favourite girls on their presents, and placed th...