13/08/2023 - 'The sunshine Isle' by David

I grew up on the Isle of Wight and only left it to live and work with my Alice in my 50's. We always have a week on the island over the Summer and my stepson has chosen Sandown so many times that it has become a tradition. He likes the beach and the waves and the ice creams - of course he does. But his favourite activity is having his tea on the pier. chicken korma with rice, chicken korma on a jacket potato or his favourite (and get this) chicken korma in a giant Yorkshire pudding! Always with a can of pop - oh to be 14 eh?

Such a culinary feast is always followed by a trip to the pier's arcades to the penny falls machines - of course! This is Alice's favourite activity and I try to share the enthusiasm and have to admit their excitement at winning a key ring or a plastic soldier is impressive. Alice also likes the dance machines and Guitar Hero and she performed a very creditable Anarchy In The UK. The day finishes with a visit to the Rock Shop on the walk home.

One of my favourite parts of the holiday is to get up early while the seagulls are squawking the morning in overhead, I make myself a coffee and read alone. Last year I started Kerouac's Big Sur again and got half way through. This year, I'm back to finish it off.  

On our annual pilgrimage to the sunshine isle, I caught up with the familam, fed an alpaca, visited some rescued tigers and lions, visited Daisy, the donkey that mum adopted after dad died, had a kick-about on the beach and a game of cricket with my brother, found a vegan ice cream on thd pier, had a chat with my dad and swam in the sea with my daughter - phew, we packed a lot in!

I collected my dad's walking stick from mum and it's been in the car all week but I haven't needed it once. We have walked a few miles every day and my legs have felt okay. Infact, on a couple of days they felt really strong, and on the days when they feel weaker, I just hold on to Alice's hand.

Of course we visited Blackgang Chine and Robin Hill, it's almost the law when you visit the island and I have been most years, if not all, since 1971.

When on the island, we always listen to local radio and we usually tune in to IOW Radio but this year we found Vectis Radio, which is a community station that my old pop quiz teammate Ian runs and to an old fart like me, it's great! On their Friday quiz I found out that the average age of an islander is 64 which is maybe not surprising as it is a beautiful place to retire to, but a little weird because in the song When I'm 64, Paul McCartney wrote "Every Summer we can rent a cottage on the Isle of Wight if it's not too dear"

You are either a Caulkhead, an Overner or a Grockle when on the island. I'm an Overner, Alice is a Grockle and if my daughter's children are born on the island, they will be Caulkheads. 

This week, we have walked hand in hand over ground I have trodden many times before, and places I have visited many, many times, and I just want to hold on to Alice forever and never let go. We talk all the time about nice things and not so nice things, and are making lists and plans. Some are exciting and some are horrible. We are happy, we are coping and we are scared. 

We know that one day, when we are both ready, we will have to let go. 



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